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  • 42. For Turkey: Under the reservation of the declarations recorded in the procès-verbal of the ninth plenary session of the Conference of October 16, 1907.[1]
    • Turkhan
  • 43. For Uruguay:
    • José Batlle y Ordoñez
  • 44. For Venezuela:
    • J. Gil Fortoul

  1. The Turkish reservation reads, in translation, as follows:

    "The Ottoman delegation declares, in the name of its Government, that while it is not unmindful of the beneficent influence which good offices, mediation, commissions of inquiry, and arbitration are able to exercise on the maintenance of the pacific relations between States, in giving its adhesion to the whole of the draft, it does so on the understanding that such methods remain, as before, purely optional; it could in no case recognize them as having an obligatory character rendering them susceptible of leading directly or indirectly to an intervention.

    "The Imperial Government proposes to remain the sole judge of the occasions when it shall be necessary to have recourse to the different proceedings or to accept them without its determination on the point being liable to be viewed by the signatory States as an unfriendly act.

    "It is unnecessary to add that such methods should never be applied in cases of internal order."