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The Messianic Kingdom

one human King, but Love the Inspirer, shall reign for ever and ever. The Messianic Kingdom will come, when in every town in the world there is some beloved teacher holding a divine commission to give his blessing urbi et orbi, by opening the Ark of the Shemang Israël, and revealing the living Shekinah, the rhythmic pulsation of all life and truth. For from Zion shall the Law go forth, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And there is no superstition in believing that a man is divinely commissioned to do that which we find him doing unconsciously; no progress in Science need make us doubt that a baby's heart has a divine commission to keep up circulation and vital heat. Wherever a man is found, whose own thought-sequences have caught the true rhythm of the Shemang Israël, other men are found clinging lovingly round him. The time comes, at last, when even the orthodox, weary of the cramping fetters of a system of interpretation untrue to the Laws of Nature, are ready to cry to such a teacher: "Master, to whom should we go? thou hast the words of Eternal Life." And if coming to him is only allowed to mean a temporary rest for the weary and heavy laden, he is as willing to bid them come as the sun is to attract and to enlighten. But his hold on their allegiance will be not static and dead, but living and dynamic. The moment that any idolatrous tension on his personality or his characteristics is set up, the true teacher gives new impulsion to his pupils, sending them forth on their appointed path: "Why call ye me good? There is none good but One, that is God. Call no man your Master on earth; for One is your Master, even The Unseen Unity. And greater work than