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Logic Taught by Love

lucid, Time becomes foreshortened, and he sees them as One; sees them (at his best) with equal distinctness and assurance.

When the aspirant has become impregnated with the ideas suggested by the early and savage ceremony, he may take a further step. Let him picture a band of eager lovers of Liberty using the Ceremony to initiate a new member. The initiator concludes it by holding the rod by its tips and making it slowly revolve; having the united end alternately above and below his fingers, saying:—

"I dedicate you to the cause of orderly Revolution; and the overthrow of all systems based on the maintenance of any fixed condition of things. Let us pray that the Will of God may be done on earth as it is in the Heavens; that is to say, by incessant, orderly Revolution.

"In the Name of The Invisible Unity, Eternal and Inconceivable, Amen."

Let the aspirant go over this in his mind, when he is puzzled by any political or social problem, and fix his mind's eye on the spiral earth-path or moon-path. After a time, he will think of things as Boole and Gratry did, and understand their terminology easily.

An objection has been made to my presentment of the Branch ritual, because old documents prove that Ritual to have been, at various times, connected with fleshly and sensuous ideas. It certainly was so. Those who consider that fact a disproof of my view must have approached the study of ancient systems from the outside and with minds saturated with European ideas of classification and distinction. The true line of cleavage