Page:Loss of the Comet steam-boat on her passage from Inverness to Glasgow, on Friday the 21st October, 1825.pdf/2

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No event which for a long time has occurred, produced such a strong sensation of horror and sympathy, as the loss of the Comet Steam-boat, at the time it happened:—and there is no doubt but the narrative of that occurrence will continue to excite a deep interest for a long period to come, from the distress and anguish it occasioned, by the loss of relatives, and friends in many a remote comer of our island. The fate of the Comet is, indeed, a signal instance of the uncertainty of life, and is a solemn call to all to have constantly in remembrance the Saviour’s admonition,—"Be ye always ready, for any such an hour as ye think not of the Son of Man cometh."