Page:Low Mass Ceremonial (Burnett).djvu/41

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Concise Directions for Serving at Low Mass

If possible, the priest ought to be assisted at low mass by a server, man or boy, who should be a devout person and well instructed in the duties incumbent upon him at the altar. He should be tidy and clean, and if possible habited in cassock and surplice. In approaching the altar, the server walks a little in advance of the priest, and has his hands joined before his breast. If he carries the book he will hold it with his left hand so that it rests upon his left arm, and keep his right hand before his breast; or he may carry the book in both hands. At the altar steps the server moves a little to the Epistle-side so as to permit the priest to come directly to the midst. If he has carried the book he goes up the steps (after the priest has gone up to the foot-pace) and puts the book (closed) upon the desk, goes directly down again, makes the due act of reverence in the midst and kneels upon the floor a little to the left of the midst. If he has not carried the book he waits until the priest has gone up to the foot-pace and then kneels on the Gospel-side as above directed. If the priest, on coming to the altar, wears a biretta, the server, standing at the right of the priest, takes the biretta when it is handed to him, and lays it down to his right on the lowest step or he may carry it to the sedilia and put it down there. After the preparatory prayers he rises and kneels on the lowest of the three altar steps opposite the Gospel-side of the altar, until after the Epistle.

Throughout the mass, whenever he is not handling something, the server has his hands joined before his breast. The Epistle ended, the server rises, goes along the floor to the Epistle-side, up the steps to the altar, takes up, with both hands, the desk and book thereon, goes down to the floor, then to the Gospel-side, then up to the altar, sets desk down obliquely upon the altar, goes down to the next step at the Gospel-corner and faces toward the priest. Throughout the mass, as often as he passes the midst and whenever