Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1521-1530.djvu/178

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man's head and broad shoulders, over which was a friar's hood. This is compared by the people here to Luther. Sup- poses that the state will have received intelligence of this through another channel.

579. LUTHER TO JOHN SCHWANNHAUSEN AT BAMBERG. Enders, y, 8. Wittbnbebg, March 7, ][5^.

Enders dates this letter March 8, but "Sabbatho Oculi" means "Satur- day before Oculi/' which fell on March 7. Walch', xxi, no. 591a.

John Schwannhausen (fi528) was canon of the Church of St. Gan- golf in Bamberg, He had attended the University of Wittenberg (matriculated 1502) and was a fellow-student there with Amsdorf and Spalatin. In March, 1523, he was accused by the Cathedral Chap- ter of preaching heretical doctrines, but was not deprived of his office tin 1524, after which he worked for a time in Nuremberg. The place of his death is unknown. Cf. Ehrhard, Johannes Schwannhausen in Beitrage sur Bayrischen KG,, iii, i£F., 55ff.

Grace and peace in Christ. Although I am unknown to you and you to me, dear Sir, nevertheless He whom you preach (as your Bambergers tell me) is known to both of us, by the grace of God, and this impels me to seek your ac- quaintance by letter and send you a greeting, that, as Paul ^ says, we may comfort one another with our common faith. Go forward to success, dearest brother, quit yourself like a man and let your heart be strong and uphold the cause of the Lord. "The servant is not greater than his Lord^ If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also, but be con- fident, for I have overcome the world. In the world you shall have hardship, but in me peace." * But why should I comfort one who is stronger than I? I will make but this one request of you, that you pray God for us and commend me in your prayers to the Lord. In Him farewell. Amen.

Martin Luther.

58a LUTHER TO EOBAN HESS* Enders, iv, 118. (WrrrENBERc), March 29, 1523.

Grace and peace. Your delightful letter was given me by

< Romans i, is.

  • John XV, so; xri, 33.
  • On the life of Hess, vidt Vol. I, p. isi, n. s. His life by C. Krause, s t.

Gotfaa, 1879*

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