Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1521-1530.djvu/434

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the verdict that I humbly recommend your Grace to find. God have your Grace in His keeping.

Your Grace's htunble servant,

Martin Luther.

789. LUTHER TO NICHOLAS HAUSMANN IN ZWICKAU. Enders, vi, 217. (WrrTENBERc), February 25,* 1528.

Grace and peace. The edition of the Visitation Articles is not yet finished, my dear Nicholas, as the printers have put it off for lack of paper ; it will be finished about Laetare.' . . . There is no news here except the terrible threats of the priests, who have great hopes of the assembly soon to be held at Ratis- bon. Do you and your church pray diligently for the princes of (iermany, that God may at last give them grace, so that they may not always spend money in vain on their meetings, but may sometime give a thought to peace and justice, as they ought. We have seen many diets recently, and have not observed any fruit of them, for God has deserted them and us, and the devil and his angels have hindered all progress. Farewell in the Lord, and greet Paul your evangelist* in the Lord together with all the brethren.

Martin Luther.

790. LUTHER TO GABRIEL ZWILLING IN TORGAU. Enders, vi, 222. WmENBERG, March 7, 1528.

Grace and peace. I am glad to hear what you write con- cerning the Venetians, my dear Gabriel, that they have received the Word of God.* Thanks and glory to God. Do not let the spoons * at Torgau disturb you ; I have heard for certain,

^Thia letter is dated by Enders March 2. We have followed the dating of the St Louis editors (Walch,* xxia, 1107). The question is whether Luther's altera post Maithiae means "the day after" or "the Monday after" St Mathias' Day.

  • The fourth Sunday in Lent The Articles actually appeared March 22.
  • Paul Lindenau, born in Chemnitz 1489, student at Leipsic after 1505. From

1523 Hausmann's associate in the Church of our Lady in Zwickau, where he was more than once in trouble with city authorities because of the lack of tact and moderation in his advocacy of church reforms. In 1529 he became pastor at Elsterberg. In 1540 he was one of those who reformed the church at Sagan.

  • On the efforts to introduce the Reformation in Venice, vidg Benrath, ReformO'

Hon in Venedig, Halle, 1887 (Vgrein fUr ReformaHonsgesehiehte, no. 18). C. Hare: Men and Women of the Italian Reformation (191 3).

^Cochlearia can mean only "spoons." The meaning, which has ponied other

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