Page:Machine-gun tactics (IA machineguntactic00appl).pdf/79

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send out stronger patrols and give them more support. The contact squadron, having sent out its patrols and any detachments necessary for special services, will sooner or later be called upon to afford active support to one of its patrols when the latter come in touch with the enemy. Upon the information furnished by this patrol, as to the strength of the enemy and the nature of the country, will depend the action to be taken.

The necessity for brushing aside all opposition and pushing forward will probably cause the commander of the contact squadron to attack with vigour, and such a course will compel the enemy to accept the engagement mounted, or if inferior in strength or morale, to take up a position for dismounted action and hold the squadron by rifle fire.

In the first case the squadron with scouts in front will move in column of troops ready to wheel into line for the attack. The machine guns should move in line immediately in rear of the rear troop and as close as possible, so as not to be seen from the front. The subsequent action of the machine guns must of course depend on the method of attack of the squadron and the nature of the country; but the objects in view will be (1) to support the attack by fire up to the moment of the collision, and then to bring fire to bear upon the retreating enemy and prevent their rallying; (2) to take up a position to cover the retirement of the squadron and enable it to re-form if worsted