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Notices of Books.
[no. 2 new series,

Geneologische Tabellen der Arabeschen Stœmme unci Familien von Dr. Ferd. Wastenfeld—Gottingen 1852, Fol.

Register zu den genealogischen Tabellen with historical and geographical notices, 1853.

Handnuch Geneologisch etymologisches von Abubekr Mohammad bin al Hasan Ibn Doreid heransgegeben von Ferd. Wastenfeld—Gottingen 1854, 8vo.

The indefatigable M. Von Hammer continues the publication of his great work on Arabic Literature (Literatur geschichte der Araber) of which the 5th vol. containing 1,115 pages appeared in 1854 and the 6th extending to 1,169 pages in 1855.

The Library of the Society possesses a copy of this admirable work presented by the munificence of M. Von Hammer himself. Each vol. commences with a general view of the literature of the epoch of which it treats, followed by biographical sketches of the writers arranged either according to the class of society to which they belonged or according to the subject of their works; followed by translations of some of the most remarkable poems.

The six volumes already published contain notices of more than 700 authors and afford a striking example of the patient and laborious habits of study and research so remarkably characteristic of the savans of Germany.

The 2nd and 3rd volumes of the Travels of Ibn Batuta—the text and translations by MM. C. Defremery and Dr. B. R. Sanguinetii, have been published at the Imprimerie Imperiale, Paris, 1854 and 1855.

M. Renan is occupied with a valuable philological work on the Semitic languages, the first volume of which appeared in 1855 and received the prize of the Institute.

It is entitled Histoire Generate et Systeme comparè des langues Semitiques, par Ernest Renan, Paris, 1855, 8vo.

The fourth volume of the translation of the Shahnameh of Firdausi, by M. Jules Mohl, Secretary of the Asiatic Society of Paris, appeared in 1855.