Page:Madras journal of literature and science vol 1 new series 1856-57.djvu/73

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OCT. — DEC. 1856.] Descrijytions of ncio Ceylon Coleoptera. 61

advantage and describe fresh from nature, as many of his favourites and their habits as possible ; and to discourage him in such an undertaking on any of the above grounds would be to discourage the progress of science in general.


1. Chlcenius Ceylanicus. N.

C. subellipticus, subconvexus, glt/berrimus, nitidus ; supra brun- neo-seneus, capite, thoracis el^trorumque margine aureo-viridibus ; subtus piceus, margine, p'edibus oreque dilute castaneis. Long, corp. 5J lin. >

Caput ante oculos •2-impres^um. Antennae art. 3® quarto paulo longiore. Mentum dente magno excavato. Thorax subquadratus, latitudine parum longior, obsolete punctulatus, antice subconvexus, lateribus deflexus, postice depressus, planus, 2.impressus. Elytra subtiliter striato-punctata, obsoletissime punctulata.

In stagnorum ripis inter arundines habitat, in prov. occid. et merid. infrequenter legi. Per occasionem nocte ad lumen advolat.

A handsome and interesting species, distinguished as well by its general shape, which is more elliptic and convex than usual, as by its polished surface. The head is oblong and, with the exception of the mouth the parts of which are of a deep brown, of a bright metallic green divided longitudinally by a streak of copper color. The thorax is rather longer than broad, rounded in front and flat behind and finely punctured all over ; it is of a brownish metallic color bordered laterally with bright green. The elytra are of the some color as the thorax, the same bright green stripe running along the sides. The margin, properly speaking, is deep brown. They are impressed with rows of fine indistinct punctures and with the usual series of larger setigerous ones within the margin. They are rather narrowed near the apex.

The female, in addition to having the anterior tarsi not dilated, has the basal impression of the thorax of a somewhat semi- circular shape, and is broader in the body than the male.