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to change bird-seed into a living bird.

Get a box made with a false lid, on which glue some bird seed; privately put a bird into it, under the false lid; then show it, and it will seem to be full of seed. Put on the true lid, and say,—“I will command all the seed out of this box, and order a living bird to appear.” Then take off the covers together, and the bird will be seen.

to make an egg tumble.

Put a pennyworth of quicksilver into a quill, and seal it at both ends with wax; then boil an egg hard, and as soon as you take it out of the water, put your quill through a small hole in the narrow end; put the egg on the table, and it will tumble about as long as the heat remains.

a curious method of restoring a fly to life in two minutes, that has been dead twenty-four hours.

This wonderful experiment is produced from a very simple cause. Take a fly, put it into a glass or cup of water, cover it so as to deprive it of air. When you perceive it to be quite motionless, take it out, and put it into a place exposed to the sun, and cover it with salt, in two minutes it will revive and fly away.

to make water freeze by the fireside.

This curious feat can only be performed in winter. Set a quart pot upon a stool before the fire, throwing a little water upon the stool first. Then put a handful of snow into the pot, having privately conveyed into it a handful of salt. Stir it about for eight or nine minutes with a short stick, and the congelation will be effected.