Page:Mammals of Australia (Gould), introduction.djvu/70

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The Author has been induced to commence a work under the above title at the urgent request of numerous scientific Friends and Subscribers to his former publications, and he trusts he shall not disappoint them in their desire for a standard work on our native birds.

"The Birds of Great Britain" will be published in Imperial Folio, at the rate of two Parts a year, price Three Guineas each; the Subscription will therefore be Six Guineas per annum. The precise number of Parts cannot be stated, but it is expected that the work will be completed in eight or nine years. With the last Part a full introduction to the subject will be published, together with Titles and every requisite to form the whole into five volumes; the first of which will comprise the Raptores or Birds of Prey; the second and third, the Insessores or Perching Birds; the fourth, the Rasores and Grallatores; and the fifth, the Natatores or Swimming Birds.

It must not be supposed that this work is a continuation of, or similar to, the "Birds of Europe;" the subjects are very differently treated as to the illustrations, the letterpress is much more voluminous, and the figures of the infantine states of most of the genera render it quite distinct.

The Author makes it a sine quâ non that the name of every Subscriber shall be given, and the Subscription paid on delivery, or at least annually; and he trusts that no person will commence the Subscription without continuing it to its close.

Any additional information may be obtained by letter or by personal application to the Author at his house, 26 Charlotte Street, Bedford Square, London, W.C.

[Turn over.

August 1, 1862.