Page:Man Who Laughs (Estes and Lauriat 1869) v2.djvu/29

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of the he-goat dissolves emeralds; that a caterpillar, a fly, and a spider, seen on the same tree, presage famine, war, and pestilence; that the falling sickness is to be cured by a worm found in the head of a buck,—do not believe him. These things are errors. But now listen to truths. The skin of a sea-calf is a safeguard against thunder. The toad feeds upon earth, which causes a stone to come into his head. The rose of Jericho blooms on Christmas-eve. Serpents cannot endure the shadow of the ash-tree. The elephant has no joints, and sleeps resting against a tree. Make a toad sit upon a cock's egg and he will hatch a scorpion which will turn into a salamander. A blind person will regain sight by putting one hand on the left side of the altar and the other on his eyes. Virginity does not prevent maternity. Honest people, lay these truths to heart. Above all, you can believe in Providence in two ways,—either as thirst believes in the orange, or as the ass believes in the whip. Now I am going to introduce you to my family."

Here a violent gust of wind shook the window-frames and shutters of the inn. The orator paused a moment, and then resumed:—

"An interruption; very good. Speak, north wind. Gentlemen, I am not angry. The wind is loquacious, like all solitary creatures. There is no one to keep him company up there, so he jabbers. I resume the thread of my discourse. Here you see an association of artists. There are four of us,—a lupo principium. I begin with my friend, who is a wolf. He does not conceal it. Look at him! He is educated, grave, and sagacious. Providence, perhaps, entertained for a moment the idea of making him a doctor of the university; but for that one must be rather stupid, and that he is not. I may add that he has no prejudices, and is not aristocratic in