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like the sun; he rejoiced at the coming of me, the lovely and fair.

460. "He said secretly to his wife, but unknown to me: 'To gaze on Tariel returned from war is desirable, he brings light to the onlooker's heart, however dark it may be; whatever I ask thee to do, do it without delay.

461. "'Now, without (consulting) thee I have thought of a plan; but thou too must know it: Since the maid is to be king, and has been so nominated by us ourselves, whoever shall see her, now let him who is like a tree[1] in Eden see her—lo! even to-day; seat her by thy side, both of you meet us in the palace, I shall come joyful.'

462. "We hunted over plain, mountain-foot and hill; there was a multitude of hounds, falcons and hawks. We returned early without having gone a stage[2] from the long road. They did not play at ball; they broke up two games.

463. "Folk eager to gaze on me filled the city, the bazaar[3] and the roofs; tasselled[4] robes adorned me who had finished the war; I was fair as a pale-hued rose bathed in tears, he who looked on me fainted; true is this, and no falsehood.[5]

464. "The veils I had found in the city of the Khatavians I bound round me, they became me, I maddened (still more) the heart of the mad.[6] The king dismounted; we entered the apartments of my foster-parents. I saw the flash of her cheeks like sunlight, I trembled.

465. "The form of that sun (Nestan) was clad in robes[7] of orange[8]; behind her was a host of eunuchs[9] in cohorts and lines[10]; with light she quite filled house, street and

  1. Adopting Car., reading khebuli for khlebuli; otherwise, "behold a day near to Eden," or, "let her see him who is like.…"
  2. Edji, stage, stoppage, post-station, M.; 6,000 paces, Ch.;? here a stage on the highroad, 930.
  3. Shuca. Cf. A. shuk, suk, and Syr. shuca, row of shops, marketplace, street suburb, 465, 1437.
  4. Eniani, tongued, ? fringed.
  5. Cataba, A.
  6. Those distracted by admiration of me.
  7. Djuba, A., P., 218.
  8. Narindji, A., P.; Car., pale red.
  9. Khadumi, A., 1167, 1170, 1176, 1218, ? maidservant.
  10. Ubani, place, quarter of a city—e.g., uriat'h ubani, Jewish quarter; ? group.