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In a Letter from a Gentleman in Edinburgh
to his Friend in London.

Giving a particular account of that unprecedented tranſaction, wherein orders were given that all the Mules of the M'Donalds in that diſtrict under 70 ſhould be put to the Sword, in which 38 persons, were killed in cold blood, most of them in their bed, 900 Cows, 200 Horſes, and a great many Sheep and Goats were carried off to the Garriſon at Iverlochy, together with the extreme miſery, and death, of many of the women and children, in being deprived of their fathers and husbands, and driven from their homes in the most inclement and ſevere seaſon of the year.

"William R. As fur MackIan of Glenco, and that tribe, if they can be diſtinguiſhed from the rest of the Highlanders, it will be proper, for the vindicasion of public justice, to extirpate that set of thieves."


14th Article of instructions, Jan. 16. 1692.

Printed by J. Neilson, for George Caldwell, Bookseller,