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My dad has a good grey mare,
and yours has twa cows and a filly,
And that will be pleaty o’ gear;
ſae Maggie be na ſae ill-willy.

Indeed Patie, I dinna ken,
but firſt ye maun fpeir at my daddy,
You’re as weel born as Ben,
and I canna ſay but I’m ready:
There’s plenty of yarn in clues.
To make me a coat and a jimpy,
And plaiden enough to be traws,
Gif ye get it, I ſhanna ſcrimp ye.

Now fair fa’ ye, my bonny Meg,
l’ſe let a wee ſmacky ſa’ on you;
May my neek be as lang as my leg,
if I be an ill huſband unto you,
Sae gang your way hame (illegible text)ow.
make ready ’gain this day fifteen days,
And tell your father the news,
that I’ll be his ſon in great kindneſs.

It was na lang after that,
wha cam’ to our bigging but Patie?
Weel dreſt in a braw new coat.
and wow but he thought himſelf pretty!
His bonnet was little frae new
in it was a loop and a (illegible text)y,
To tie in a ribbon fae blue
to bab at the neck of his coaty.