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No. 9 Sifrih Fmrth Street, PkOadelphU, tPLXMDlD LIBRARY IDITIOlfS. BYRON'S WORKS, complete in 1 toL Sva, inclodiiig all hie Sop- pi eeee J and Attributed Poema. i;^ This edition has been carefuIlT compared with the leoent London edition of Mr. Marray, and made compete bj the addition of more than fifty pages of poems heretofore unpublisbed in Elngland. Among these there are a number that have nerer appeared in anjr American edition ; and the pub- lishers believe they are warranted in saying, that this is the moei eompUte edition qf Lord ByrofCe PoeUcal Workt, ever published in the United Sutes. COWPER AND THOMSONS- PROSE AND POETICAL WORKS, complete in 1 vol. 8vo. indudlog two hundred and fifty Letter^ and sundfy Poems of Cowper, never bdore published in thii country ; and of Thomson a new and interesting Memoir, and upwards of twenty new poems, for the first time printed fimn his own Manuscripti^ taken firam a late edition of the Aldine Poets, now publishing in London. The distinguished Profeieor SUliman, speaking of this edition, observesb " I am as much gratified by the elegance and fine taste of Tour edition, as by the noble tribute of genius and UKiral excellence which these dehghttnl au- thors have left for all future generations j and Cowper espedally, is not less conspicuous as a true Christian moralist and teacher, than as a poet of great ix>wer and exquisite taste." GOLDSMITH'S ANIMATED NATURE, in 4 vols. 8vo. illua. trated with eighty-five copper-plates.

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