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the medical guide.


Causes.——Cold temperature.

Symptoms.——Hoarse, sonorous cough and wheezing inspiration, which increases as the disease progresses, until suffocating gasping breathing, followed by convulsive attempts at respiration ensues, amidst which the little creature suddenly expires.

Treatment.——If the pulse be strong and heat of skin extreme, bleed from the arm, or apply leeches to the throat; give calomel and tartar emetic, two grains of the former to one sixteenth of a grain of the latter, every two hours, until greenish coloured mucous stools appear, then give from one to two spoonfuls of castor oil.

Observations.——It is sometimes of advantage to premise a wine vomit, by giving a teaspoonful of antimonial or ipecacuan wine every 10 minutes until free vomiting ensue. A blister over the throat may be applied till properly risen, when the water should be let out, and as much of the loose skin removed as possible, and dress the surface with common issue ointment.——N.B. Croup is always to be regarded as a very dangerous disease, and it is only by active treatment at the very commencement that we can expect any benefit; and no time ought to be lost in sending for a skilful physician.

ERUCTATION (Belching Wind).

Causes.——Often from a bad habit, bad digestion, indigestible substances, &c.

Symptoms.——Belchings of wind from the stomach upwards, uneasy sensation in the throat, &c.

Treatment.——Powered ginger in food, or ginger tea; avoid all food that disagrees. Brandered or roasted animal food without vegetables, particularly cabbages, peas, and beans, &c., is the most suitable.

Observations.——Eructation is sometimes the result of giving way to a bad habit, and is to be prevented by the party liable to it strenuously resisting the offensivo indulgence.