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the medical guide.


Causes.——Indigestion, improper nutriment, impure water, sedentary life, &c.

Symptoms.—Pain and difficulty in passing water, which often, when the party is affected, contains sandy deposit, sometimes of a vermillion red colour; in others, like a brick dust; while in a third there is a whitish powder.

Treatment.——When an attack of gravel or stone is severe, much relief is often experienced by the warm hip bath, or cloths wrung out of hot water and applied over seat of pain; also give soap pills, one 3 times a day; or potash water, ten drops in a wine-glassful of warm water; or a teaspoonful of carbonate of soda in water. The patient ought to drink plentifully of linseed tea.

Observations.——When a fit of the gravel comes on, there is a pain in back and loins, numbness of the thigh of the affected side; nausea and vomiting, &c. Stono in the kidneys or bladder is usually a formidable disease, and the treatment of it is only to be entrusted to the care of a skilful surgeon; nor ought any party to delay a moment in consulting proper skill, when the simple rules afore-mentioned have proved ineffectual. It is worthy of notice that temperate people who drink plentifully of pure water, are seldom troubled with this malady. (See Remarks on Acid in the Stomach.)


Causes.——Irritating matter in the bowels, flatulence, &c.

Symptoms.——Child screams violently, twists itself on nurse's arm; belly hard, sounds like a drum when tapped upon.

Treatment.——Give a teaspoonful of magnesia or castor oil, with from 2 or 3 drops of laudanum, or 10 drops aromatic spirit of hartshorn in water.

Observations.——Warm the infant's feet and bowels before the fire, rubbing them gently with the hand;