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the medical guide.

country, or, if the child be resident in the country, for the town, has a singularly beneficial effect; of course, attention to the bowels is necessary, and an embrocation to the back, consisting of strong spirits, in which bruised garlic has been steeped for six hours, or Rooche’s Embrocation.——N.B. The child ought to wear flannel clothing next the skin.


Causes.——Infection, encouraged by inattention to cleanliness.

Symptoms.——Watery pustules about the fingers, wrists, and hams; intolerable itching.

Treatment.——The popular remedy, sulphur mixed with hogs’ lard, rubbed over the skin, answers very well. When this remedy fails, add 1 part of mercurial ointment to 10 parts of the sulphur, &c., which is a certain cure.

Observations.——After disease is checked, the bed and body clothes of the patient require to be carefully scoured, else the disease will return.

LOOSENESS (Diarrhoea).

Causes.——Irritating substances in the stomach or bowels, such as indigestible food; irritable state of the bowels, owing to obstructed perspiration, &c.

Symptoms.——Purging of copious watery feculent matter, accompanied with nausea, griping pains, and flatulence.

Treatment.——A brisk purge of castor oil, or tincture of rhubarb with 20 drops of laudanum to carry off offensive matter; then chalk mixture, with a few drops of laudanum.

Observations.—— If looseness continue, calomel and chalk in small doses 3 times daily; bread and milk boiled, as diet. In long continued looseness, the use of astringents, such as tincture of catechu or kino.—— N.B. A flannel roller around bowels is useful, &c.


Causes.——Specific contagion.

Symptoms.——Commences with sneezing, watery red-