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hurry, is said to be done upon the bustle. To give it to a man upon the bustle, is to obtain any point, as borrowing money, &c.; by some sudden story or pretence, and affecting great haste, so that he is taken by surprise, and becomes duped before he has time to consider of the matter.

BUZ, to buz a person is to pick his pocket. The buz is the game of picking pockets in general.

BUZ-COVE, or BUZ-GLOAK, a pickpocket; a person who is clever at this practice, is said to be a good buz.


CABIN, a house.

CADGE, to beg. The cadge is the game or profession of begging.

CADGE-CLOAK, a beggar.

CANT OF DOBBIN, a roll of riband.

CAP, synonymous with Bonnet, which see.

CARDINAL, a lady’s cloak.

CARRY THE KEG, a man who is easily vexed or put out of humour by any joke passed upon him, and cannot conceal his chagrin, is said to carry the keg, or is compared to a walking distiller.

CASTOR, a hat.

CAT and KITTEN RIG, the petty game of stealing pewter quart and pint pots from public-houses.

CAZ, cheese; As good as caz, is a phrase signifying that any projected fraud or robbery may be easily and certainly accomplished; any person who is the object of such attempt and is known to be an easy dupe,