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upon which the wealth, power and happiness of this country so essentially depends, that it would be to the last degree cruel not to repeal this last Act, in order that he may have his claims adjudged by the first.
Mr. Dyson spoke to the form of this matter, being against Sir George's proposal;[1]and Lord North remarked, that Mr. Harrison, in his pettion, rather arraigned the Board of Longitude and observed, that as the Board had required other Timekeepers and experiments to be made, which were not yet concluded, it would be proper to call for the minutes of that Board, relative to the transactions concerning Mr. Harrison, before a conclusion could be come to.
Mr. Edmund Burke. Mr. Speaker, I must own, I am astonished at the replies which have come from the other side of the House. Where, Sir, is the dignity, where is the sense, where even the justice of the representatives of a great, powerful, enlightened, and maritime nation, when a petition of a man is laid before them, claiming
  1. This Gentleman's name occurs once or twice in the lists of the Commissioners, as Secretary to the Treasury; and Jerry Dyson is mentioned in the private correspondence of Junius with Woodfal: but as we know no further of him, and the reporters have not favoured us with his argument, if he had say, it casually brought to mind the quaint epitaph in Joe Miller—

    Here lies the body of Daniel Saul,
    Spitalfields Weaver, and that's all.