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the Inventor should have the use of it, as much as was necessary to abridge his labour. But this was immediately refused: after the drawings it was made from had been demanded, and were given up.[1] No hindrance that could be superadded seems

    Longitude directly opposed to the success of the Mechanics: and even Lord Morton, had given sufficient indications of rivalry, though it was not by the Lunar method.—Exclusive of a proceeding which would have blown up the whole plan of this scientific Commissioner had it transpired, a question of peculiar magnitude arises out of the case of John Harrison. For if, without reflecting that he had his rights as well as the community—if, without examination, or hearing counsel in his behalf, the 12th of Queen Anne was rendered wholly null and unavailable, by an enactment of such an indefinite construction that it bore whatever his personal enemies might chuse to affix to it, the future trials of his Timekeepers being neither limited in number, nor duration, nor in the degree of exactness required, was not the Legislature exceeding its own powers? as it would do, were it to pass an Act depriving some individual of his estate; or mulcting him in a sum of money, without assigning treason, rebellion, or the like causes of legal forfeiture?

  1. To disable the Claimant as much as possible, yet "not to 'minish aught from the tale of the bricks," could be resembled only to the conduct of the task-masters of old; "Ye are idle," said Pharoah, the prototype of the proud Scotchman.—This double-refined oppression, can never be explained away, when it is considered he was at an age at which almost all men desire to have the evening of (a well-spent) life to themselves. It is true his ardent spirit never brooked long repose[subnote 1] while his head
  1. Quod erat demonstrandum; literally, which was to be demonstrated: was a scrap of latin he probably got from his friend Dr. Smith, of Trin. Col. Cam., and was fond of; as they told him to English it—the labour is my delight!