Page:Memoirs of the late John Kippen, cooper, in Methven, near Perth.pdf/21

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Lament ye people, ane an' a,
For Peter Duthies e'en awa';
Nae mair will Pate e'er travel round,
The circle o his native ground;
Nae mair shall he last speeches cry
Nor in the barns will ever lie ;
Nae mair shall he again appear
To usher in the infant year
With Almanacks frae Aberdeen,
The best and truest was seen;
Nae mair shall he again proclaim
The prophecies in Rhymer's name;
Nor cell again the great commands,
Nor praise the neuk ca'd Meally Hands;
Nor Arry's ware for lads and lasses,
Which for the highest wisdom passes
Nor shall he Jock and Maggy's tale
Again expose to viewer sale;
Nae mair shall he e'er gain a dram
Upon the tricks o' Louden Tam;
Buchanan's wit he cannot praise,
As aft he did in former days;
Nor tell how Leper threw the cat
To auld Janet's boiling pat.——