Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/1133

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Queen in person, and was created a , K.C.B. (Sept. 1879). He served in , the Transvaal war of 1880—81, with the local rank of major-general ; was ' nominated one of Her Majesty's Commissioners for settling the IVansvaal territory in April, 1881 ; and was appointed to command the troops in the Chatham district in 1882. He commanded the 2nd bidgade, 2nd division, in the expe- dition to Egypt in 1882, and for his distinguished services received the thanks of Parliament. In Dec. 1882 he was appointed Commander- in-Chief of the Egyptian Army, ranking as chief of the Pashas, or Sirdar. In July, 1883, he was ap- I)ointed an extra Knight Com- mander of the Stiir of India.

WOOD, The Rev. John George, M.A., F.L.S., son of a surgeon, at one time Chemical Lecturer at the Middlesex Hospital, born in London in 1827, was educated at Ashbourne Grammar School, entered Merton College, Oxford, in 18J4, was elected JUckson Scholar in 1815, and gra- duated B.A. in 1848, and M.A. in 1851. Having been attached for two years to the Anatomical Mu- seum at Christ Church, Oxford, he was ordained, in 1852, as Chaplain to the boatman's floating chapel, Oxford; was appointed Assistant- Chaplain to St. Bartholomew's Hos- pital, London, in 185G,'and resigned the appointment in 1862. He held the oflSce of Precentor of the Can- terbury Diocesan Choral Union from 1868 to 1876. He has written several valuable works on Zoology ; among others, a " Popular Natural History," " Sketches and Anecdotes of Animal Life," " The Boy's Own Natural History Book," and " My Feathered Friends, or Bird Life." He has published a series of cheap entertaining handbooks, as novel in design as they are unpretending in their titles, and which abound in both scientific and practical know- lodge, most felicitously conveyed. It consists of *' Common Objects of the Sea Shore," " Common Objects

of the Country," " Common Objects of the Microscope," " Common Shells of the Sea Shore," the " Common Moths of England," and the " Com- mon Beetles of England," each appropriately illustrated; followed by "Glimpses into Petland," " Our Garden Friends and Foes," " Homes without Hands," an important work, in which the dwellmgs of various animals are described and figured, and arranged according to the method in which they are formed ; and " Bible Animals,^' being a full description of every living creature mentioned in the Scrip- tures. He has nearly completed " Insects at Home," the work being an account of the habits of British insects, profusely illustrated on a new plan ; " Old Testament His- tory," and "New Testament His- tory," for the use of preparatory schools ; " Natural History of Man," an important work in two volumes, describing the manners and ciistoms of the uncivilized races of man, and richly illustrated with portraits and drawings of weapons and imple- ments used by them ; together with many other educational works. The Rev. J. G. Wood's magnnm ojms is his larger " Natural History," in three volumes, which is enriched with a number of admirable sketches, chiefly from the life, by the most eminent artists of the day in this branch of illustration. He edited for some time the Boy^s Oivn Maga- sine, and was one of the associate commissioners of the Great Exhibi- tion at Paris in 1867. His more re- cent works are : — " Man and Beast, Here and Hereafter," 2 vols., 1874 ; " Nature's Teachings,*^ showing that human inventions have their proto- types in Nature ; " Out of Doors ; a Selection of Original Articles on Practical Natural History," 1874; and ** Insects Abroad : a Popular Account of Foreign Insects, their Structure, Habits, and Transforma- tions," 1874 ; " The Lane and Field," 1879 ; and a series of Natural His- tory Keadings for schools, 1882. In