Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/795

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" Um Szepter und Kronen/* 4 vols., Stuttgart, 1872, and the other 4 the following titles : — " Mines and Counter-mines of Europe" ("Euro- p&ischer Minen und Gegenminen," 1873), "Two Imperial Crowns" ( " Zwei Kaiserkronen," 1875 ), "Cross and Sword" (" Kreuz und Schwert," 1875), and "Hero and Emperor" ("Held und Kaiser," 1876) ; subsequently " The Eoman Expedition of the Epigoni " (" Die B5merfahrt der Epigonen," 1873), having for its subject the Cong^ss of the German princes at Frank- fort; "The Dymg Salutation of the Legions" ("Der Todesgruss der Legionen," 1874) ; the bulky social romance, " Heights and Depths " ("H5hen und Tiefen," 20 vols., 1879-80), comprising "For- gotten " (" Verschollen "), " Gold and Blood" ("Gold und Blut"). " Expiation and Benediction " ("Sflhne und Segen"); and the historical romance, "Queen Eliza- beth" ("Kaiserin Elizabeth," 6 vols., 1881). CTnder his own name Meding has published "Memoirs of Contemporary History" ("Me- moiren zur Zeitgeschichte," Vol. I., 1881).

MEDLEY, Th» Most Ebv. John, D.D., Bishop of Fredericton and Metropolitan of Canada, born in 1804, was educated at Wadham College, Oxford, where he graduated B.A. in honours in 1826, and M.A. in 1830. He was for several years vicar of St. Thomas's, Exeter, and prebendary of that Cathedral, and in 1945 was consecrated first Bishop of Fredericton. His diocese in- cludes the entire province of New Brunswick.

MEIGNAN, GuiLLAUME EbnA, a French prelate, born at Benaz4 (Mayenne), April 1, 1817, studied at Ajigers and at Ch&teau-Gontier, where he greatly distinguished him- self, and after being ordained priest became Professor in the College of Tess6, at Le Mans. After occupy- ing this post for three years, he went to Paris, and was appointed

successively Director of Studies in the Seminary of Notre Dame des Champs, almoner at the house of the Legion of Honour at St. Denis, curate of the parishes of St. Joseph and St. Andrew, and chief curate of St. Clotilde, where he remained from 1857 to 1862. He also became Professor of Holy Scripture at the Sorbonne ; Vicar - General of the diocese of Paris in 1863 ; and Bishop of Ch^ons-sur-Mame, in 1864. Hia principal works are, " Prophetiea Messianioues," vol. i.., 1858 ; " M. Benan HtutA par les Balionalistes Allemands," 1863 ; "Les Evangiles et la Critique au XIX* SiMe," 1864; "La Crise Protestante en Angleterre et en France," 1864; "Le Monde et I'Homme Primitif selon la Bible," 1869; and "In- structions et Conseils adress^ aux Families Chr^tiennes," 1876. Mgr. Meignan has contributed important articles to the Correapondeni,

MEISSONIEE, Jban Louis Ebnbst, painter, born at Lyons, about 1812, went, while young, to Paris, and for some time attended the studio of M. L^n Cogniet. He displayed remarkable ingenuity in microscopic painting, which no one in France had attempted before him, and his "Little Messenger," exhibited in 1836, attracted the attention of critics, who were as- tonished that so much predsion could be allied to such d^cacy of fini^. Since then he has fre- quentiy exhibited, and always with great success. In the Salon of 1857 he had nine subjects, all distin- guished by an exquisite touch, and manifesting great care and patience. He obtained a medal of the third class in 1840, one of the second class in 1841, and two of the first class in 1855. He was decorated with the Legion of Honour in 1846, was made Giund Officer in June, 1856, Commander in June, 1867, and member of the Academy of Beaux Arts in 1861.

MELANESIA, Bishop or. (S<«  Sblwyn.)