Page:Messiah - An Oratorio - As it is Perform’d at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden.djvu/10

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All we like Sheep have gone aſtray, we have turned every one to his own way.
And the Lord hath laid on him the Iniquity of us all.

Recitative, accompany'd.

All they that ſee him laugh him to ſcorn; they ſhoot out their Lips, and ſhake their Heads, ſaying,


He truſted in God that he would deliver him: Let him deliver him if he delight in him.

Recitative, accompany'd.

Thy Rebuke hath broken his Heart, he is full of Heavineſs: He looked for ſome to have pity on him, but there was no Man, neither found he any to comfort him.


Behold and ſee if there be any Sorrow like unto his Sorrow.

Recitative, accompany'd.

He was cut off out of the Land of the Living, for the Tranſgreſſion of thy People was he ſtricken.