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"A maid—Mistress Todd's Sally!"

"Mistress Todd's Sally, eh? And who may she be?"

"Nay, sir, this be beside the question! I will bid ye good-night—I am hungry—I must go before the kitchen door be locked!"

"Not so fast!" A deeper note had crept into the deep voice. "Cannot ye go wi'out your supper for once? Why, this be war! Wait! Ye have not explained your tardiness! Ye did not keep your appointment, sir! I was here at sundown, as agreed. Where were ye?"

Sullenness crept into James's voice. Sally could imgine the angry red of his countenance. "I was—detained, sir."

"Ah, by the pretty Sally, mayhap!" Sly amusement was in the other voice now.

"Nay, sir!" burst out James angrily. "I was detained by my mother, an ye must know!"

"Well, well, give o'er, lad! I was but jesting!"

"I like not such jests!" returned James's voice furiously. "As for the maid, I cannot bear her, forsooth—she be an ugly wench wi' red hair—I do dislike red hair!—and she be a bond maid besides!"

There was a loud guffaw of laughter, tardily suppressed. But Sally stood stiff and angry, her Hps drawn to a thin, haughty line. He did despise red hair, forsooth! Very well, let him go without his