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and commenced to sort them over, calmly humming to herself.

"I thought ye were to be our servant, mistress, and now I find ye here working for Mistress Harrison! Truly, ye be a will o' the wisp!" went on James hastily.

"Your servant!" Touched upon the raw, Sally forgot her apples and whirled around to face James with blazing eyes. "Nay, I be no one's servant, sir!"

"What relationship do ye bear Mistress Todd, then?" retorted James insolently. But before Sally could answer, the young British officer came forward from the door.

"Nay," he said hastily, "I came not to hear ye quarrel wi' a hapless maid, sir! Cease, then, I prithee! Young mistress," he doffed his high hat respectfully and turned to Sally, "I have had information which doth lead me to suspect that treasonable actions against his gracious Majesty be transpiring in this vicinity. Can ye tell me whether one Mistress Williams be here?"

"Aye," broke in James with a frown, "where be my mother? We would speak to her!"

"Why did ye not speak to her this morning?" asked Sally coolly, her eyes upon James.

"No affair o' yours!" James reddened with more than the heat. "Come—where be my mother?"

Sally hesitated. Then, "She is not here!" she told him quietly.