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trees before I followed Captain Camp into this tavern! Let me go forth and search. Mayhap," hopefulness would not be killed in the boy's voice, "mayhap they did not find the right trees!"

"Silence, sir!" said Captain Littell sternly. "That be nonsensical! Now, Crane—didst see aught o' horses?"

Crane! Sally started at the name. As though by magic, the smell of the sea came to her nostrils, once more she stood upon the deck of a small schooner, with the white sea gulls wheeling and circling overhead, with the distant view of greenhilled Staten Island delighting her as they sailed for Newark Bay, with a sullen Tory behind her, who did not come near her that livelong trip! Crane! Sally's eyes met the small, close-set ones of the sentry, and she knew him!

"Nay, Captain Littell," said the sentry. Crane, calmly. "This maid and boy came afoot. There were no horses, sir!"