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down the market lane and had reached the northeast corner of what is now Mulberry Street; but what was called the East Back Lane in those days. There they were greeted by the loud crowing of a cock and the first rays of the sun piercing the mist. Sally, coming to an involuntary stop, watched with suspended breath. Slowly, slowly the haze was burned off until the sun, golden-red and glorious, smiled at her over the top of Master Wheeler's fine, new house. Then she gave a sigh and turned to Zenas—to find him leaning against a tree, actually almost asleep upon his feet.

"Come, Zenas," said Sally decidedly, making for the large barn visible at the rear of Master Wheeler's property.

Zenas followed her more slowly, still with his eyes blinking. "Forsooth, 'twas poor rest upon that tavern settle!" he yawned.

"Nay, I found my settle comfortable enow!" returned Sally, glancing up at the drawn blinds of the house and thinking how deserted and forlorn it looked in the morning sunshine.

"Ye had the officers' coats to lie on," Zenas reminded her, yawning again.

"Aye, 'tis true," acknowledged Sally. A moment later she said, "Hush!" And with a sudden nervous clasp of Zenas's arm, she came to an abrupt standstill.