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"Why not?" responded Sally. She waited beside the road until the little band of militia had reached her, then she walked quickly out to the center of the lane, and Major Alling halted his men.

"Aye, young mistress?" he asked kindly. "Wouldst speak to me?"

Sally nodded. "Good sir," she said, in a low voice, "this lad and I be from the Newark Mountain. We brought some bullets to Town yesterday——"

"Aye, Captain Camp did so inform me," interrupted John Alling. He regarded her with interest. "So ye were the brave lad and lass who did come wi' those much-needed bullets!" His kind look included Zenas, who had approached and who now flushed and shuffled his feet embarrassedly at such direct praise. "What can I do for ye?" The young man turned back to Sally.

"We have no horses with which to return to the Mountain—our horses, as ye know, mayhap, also—were stolen last night. Captain Camp sent us down to Master Wheeler's house this morn, there to borrow horses, and there were none left i' his stable—doubtless his family took them when they fled—and that reminds me——"

Major Alling looked at Sally with curiosity. "Aye?" he prompted.

Sally turned and looked thoughtfully at Zenas instead of replying. "Shall I inform him about—you know?" she asked meaningly.