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An the British did sweep back this way, o'erpowering the rebels, there be no telling what might happen." His troubled glanced traveled around the ancient kitchen, whose beams had stood for so many years. "Troops mad wi' victory oft do not know friend from foe! And e'en the rebels gain the victory, still, sentiment be roused against us who remain loyal to His Majesty—they will resent us as they resent the men who they claim have invaded their homes! While the Amnesty Act hath expired, now, and there be danger—there be danger!"

Mistress Williams, who had been listening silently, rose from her place and, platter of waffles in hand, nodded toward the table.

"Come, Nathaniel," she said, in her cheerful voice, "'twill do ye no good to worry! Live life as ye go along, say I, and fret not about the morrow! An there was aught we could do, then I believe i' being up and doing! But when all we can do is to wait, then let us not fret and grumble wi' the waiting!"

Master Williams looked at her with a smile. "Why, ye be right, wife," he answered heartily, rising and following her to the table as he spoke. "What ha' we here—'waffles? Nay, this be an unexpected treat!"

"E'en save us some o' the treat!" drawled a voice, with some insolence, as the door opened and