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see!" And he gave such an eloquent shrug and laughed so merrily, they all joined in.

But now a shadow darkened the door, and Sally, glancing up, uttered a low cry, for she had the strange hallucination that Stockton was standing there, staring at her. It was only an ancient beldame, however, bent forward beneath the weight of her years upon a cane she tapped before her and gazing curiously around her from the depths of the enormous poke bonnet she wore.

"Be this the place advertised for sale?" she cackled, in a high, quavering voice.

While Zenas muttered at himself for not having closed the door after him, Mistress Williams drew herself up proudly. Then she noticed the other's years and refrained from the sharp reply which trembled upon her tongue.

"Aye, mistress," she answered civilly.

"Mind ye an, perchance, I take a look around," pursued the aged hag, obviously preparing to advance into the kitchen.

"Why——" began Mistress Williams dubiously.

But Sally took an impulsive step forward. "Nay!" she exclaimed, glancing from Mistress Williams to the old woman. "Why should she be allowed to poke and pry, dear mistress? She doth not understand the terms of this vendue, forsooth! May I explain them to her?" Then at Mistress Williams's nod, the girl turned swiftly to the old