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purchase this place! Now she be looking, with an air o' ownership, across the garden! Now she be peering down the well! Now she be hobbling toward the barn!"

"Say ye so!" Zenas turned toward the door. "She may be a thief, for a' we know. I'll go wi' her—prying old fingers could steal and hide beneath that ragged cape much o' value that be lying loose around the barn!"

They all laughed at Zenas's angry bounce as he departed; but soon Sally saw soberness returning to Mistress Williams's countenance. "I wish this vendue were well over," she sighed nervously, smoothing down her gown with trembling fingers. "This incident but shows how we be at the mercy o' any who come!"

"Fear not, mistress!" said John Alling sympathetically. "For every enemy—though I doubt the existence o' one for such a sweet lady—ye will ha' twenty friends present this morn!"

Mistress Williams acknowledged his compliment with a faint smile. "Still, sir," she sighed, "I wish it were already night, wi' the vendue well o'er!"

Sally, who had moved over to the window after Zenas had closed the door behind him, now turned to them. "People be driving in from every direction," she announced, excitement in her voice. "'Tis just as though a signal had been given! Oh,