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As they both gazed, a magnificent light overspread sky and sea. A great red ball of fire showed a glimmering, shimmering edge above the horizon. It was the sun, giving them a hint of a glorious day, with yesterday's sorrows already forgotten and to-morrow but another radiant promise!

But they were young, and the sun was—only the sun, so, "I'll beat ye down to the cabin!" shrieked Sally suddenly.

"I'll wager ye do not!" shouted Jerry firmly.

And laughing, screaming, shoving, pellmell they tumbled down the narrow stairs into the ship's cabin.

"Come, children!" said Lady Holden, her mother smile welcoming them both. "Breakfast be ready! Sit ye down and eat, for dinner be more than four long hours away, and there is to be no piecing between meals!"

The end