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that he was in the land of his enemies, and that—more prosaic but equally important—like herself, he was doubtless supperless. She hesitated, for she was afraid of the risk of being detained by the tavern hostess; but finally setting the lantern down upon a stump in the yard, she turned and sped back to the kitchen door. With her hand upon the latch, though, she paused, startled. Loud voices were now exclaiming in the kitchen.

"Run away, ye say, Todd!" That was mine host's voice.

"Aye," answered a sad voice. "Run away! And we know not where to search for Mary, either! I ha' been scouring the Mountain wi'out result this night! I fear, indeed, the young red-coat took her wi' him for revenge!"

"The varlet!" growled Master Tompkins. "An we find him, we will make short work o' stringing him up!"

He turned and shouted the tale into his wife's deaf ear, so that in the ensuing confusion—for the poor lady got everything twisted—Sally escaped without detection. Dashing past the little shed at the rear of the house, the girl halted. It was the dairy, she knew, and she tried the door. Yes, it was open, and a little later Jerry was staring down with unbelieving eyes at the brimming gourd of milk Sally held up to him.