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prised eyes upon her as, breathless and with radiant cheeks, she galloped up to them.

"Mistress Todd!" gasped Sally, enjoying the dramatic side of this incident immensely, I regret to say.

"Aye—what be the matter now?" Master Todd's voice was startled.

"She hath fallen down the stairs, sir—is still upon the kitchen floor, for I could not move her!" answered Sally, excitedly waving her hands, her eyes stealing involuntarily to Jerry's grave young face.

"Hurt badly, Sally? Is she unconscious?" exclaimed Master Todd.

"Nay, not unconscious. I think it is her ankle," Sally told him. "Mayhap 'tis but a strain!" she added comfortingly.

"Whatever it be, I must return, Uzal," Master Todd announced at once. "Wilt bring this list o' tools from Beach and Hews' shop? I need some o' the articles to mend my plow wi'—I cannot get my planting done until I get them."

"Nay, Squire Todd," Uzal shook his head. "I may not return for two or three days. I must stay on business for my mother."

"What! Ye do not return this night!" Master Todd's face fell.

Sally leaned forward in her saddle, feeling that