Page:Miscellaneous Papers on Mechanical Subjects.djvu/67

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obtaining the size of the working parts of machines. Where exact size or good fitting is required, the sense of touch is far more to be depended upon. I make standards of size by a system of measurement depending for its accuracy upon the sense of touch; and use an instrument provided with a mechanical multiplier, by which a space is presented to the eye many thousand times greater in extent than is the case where the distance is directly measured by sight only.

With truth of surface, that never-failing element of success, as the basis of operation, we are enabled to measure with exactitude; and there is no difficulty in making parts of machines to fit one another with any degree of nicety: but, when we wish to express correctly by the common fractional system very minute measurements, our ideas are cramped and hampered by an inconvenient and often confused system of notation. What exact motion can any man have of such a size as “a bare sixteenth” or “a full thirty-second;” and what inconvenient results may ensue from the different notions of different workmen as to the value of these terms. A scale of notation that may have suited the old system of manufacture has been left behind, I am happy to say, as the present age has improved on the past; and our improvement has created a want