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No, boy; that sentiment bespeaks thy blood.

Heed not those fetter'd hands: look in my face,
Look in my face with the full confidence
Of a brave man; for such I'll swear thou art.
Think'st thou that I am come to visit thee
In whining pity as a guilty man?
No, by the rood! if I had thought thee such,
Being the son of him whose form thou wear'st,
I should have curs'd thee. Thou by mis'ry press'd,
Hast strongly tempted been, I know thy story:
Bertram has told it me: and spite of courts,
And black-rob'd judges, laws, and learn'd decisions,
I do believe it as I do my creed.
Shame on them! is all favour and respect
For brave and noble blood forgotten quite?


Ah, do not fear! they will remember that,

And nail some sable trappings to my coffin.


I would that to their grave and pompous chairs

Their asses' ears were nail'd! Think they that men,
Brave men, for thou thyself—What corps I pray thee
Didst thou belong to in thy Prince's service?


The first division of his fourth brigade

Was that in which I serv'd.