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Held even empire o'er the minds of men,
Like steady sunshine of a cloudless sky.
But when she came, then came the roaring storm,
Lowering and dark; wild, changeful, and perturb'd;
Whist thro' the rent clouds oft times shot the gleam
More bright and powerful for the gloom around it,
E'en midst the savage strife of waring passions,
Distorted and fantastic, laughter came,
Hasty and keen, like wild-fire in the night;
And wretches learnt to catch the fitful thought
That swells with antic and uneasy mirth
The hollow care-lined cheek. I pray thee pardon!
I am not light of soul.
Death is to me an awful thing; nay, Father,
I fear to die. And were it in my power,
By suffering of the keenest racking pains,
To keep upon me still these weeds of nature,
I could such things endure, that thou would'st marvel,
And cross thyself to see such coward bravery.
For oh! it goes against the mind of man
To be turn'd out from its warm wonted home,
Ere yet one rent admits the winter's chill.


Come to my breast, my son! thou hast subdued me.

(Embracing him.)
And now we will lift up our thoughts to him
Who hath in mercy saved thy hands from blood.