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Return to it again, and thro' the day
Live there as thou art wont; by fall of eve
Thou'lt come to me again.—I'm very weak
I must lean hard upon thee.

(Exit, looking suspiciously behind him as if he heard a noise, and supported with great difficulty by his mother.)

SCENE III. The Countess Zaterloo's house: enter Countess and a Female Attendant.



Ah! wherefore, madam, are you thus disturb'd.

Pacing from room to room with restless change.
And turning still a keen and anxious ear
To every noise? What can I do for you?


Cease, cease! thou canst do nothing, my good girl:

I have a cause, but do not seek to know it.

Enter a Servant.


There is a stranger——

COUNTESS ZATERLOO (starting with alarm).

Ha! what dost thou say?

A stranger! what appearance does he wear?
Is there but one? Looks he suspiciously?


Be not alarmed, madam; 'tis a woman.