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Ha! what hole of the earth hath cast thee up?

What thing art thou? and what would'st thou with me?


My sides are cold; a dead man needs no cloak.


'Tis true indeed, but do not strip the living.

Where dost thou run to now? where wert thou hid?

OHIO (after running to his hiding-place, and fetching out a stick, which he presents to Rayner).

Beat me thyself, but do not tell of me.


I would not harm thee for a greater fault.

I'm sorry thou art cold; here is my cloak:
Thou hast said well; a dead man needs it not.
I know thee now; thou art the wretched negro
Who serves the prisoners; I have observ'd thee:
I'm sorry for thee; thou art bare enough,
And winter is at hand.


Ha! art thou sorry that the negro's cold?

Where wert thou born who art so pitiful?
I will not take thy cloak, but I will love thee.
They shail not cut thy head off.


Go thy ways;

Go sculk within thy hiding place again,
And, when the cell is open'd, save thyself.