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snow came on; I spared neither myself nor my cattle to please her, and what do you think I had for my pains?


I can't say: it is a long stage to be sure.


Paltry half-a-crown, an' be hang'd to her!


But why did you take so much pains to please her? I never knew you do so before, but when you were promised a bribe for your trouble.


Because I tell you she's a hypocrite, and would deceive Old Nick, if he were not as cunning as herself. When we passed thro' Middleton she bought as many coarse stockings as would have stocked a hosier's shop; and her maid told me they were all to be sent to her own estate to be given to the poor of the neighbourhood; so, thinks I to myself, this must be some rich liberal lady that gives away money with both hands, I won't stand upon trifles with her, and off I set like the deuce. But 'tis all a cursed lie: she'll sell them again, I'll be bound for it, and make a groat of profit upon every pair. I'll be revenged upon her! Hark ye, Doll; I'll give thee a new top-knot if thou'lt help me in any way to be revenged upon her.