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fellow! and the first he ever wrote in his life. It begins "Dear Mother," and all as pretty as any other letter.


I thank you, my good Hoppy! I shall indeed have a pleasure in reading it. Go with me to my room, and shew it me there: it does my ill-humour good to see thee so happy; I will strive to think less of my own concerns.(Exeunt.

SCENE II. A small room leading to other rooms in the house: Jenkins discovered standing at one of the doors, behind which hang great coats, &c. beckoning to somebody who does not appear; presently enters Worshipton, stepping upon tiptoe.


Thou hast some intelligence for me?

(In a low voice.)


Yes; the old lady and her woman are coming this way presently to go to Miss Martin's room, and the heiress will follow them as soon as she can find a glove that she is searching for. I heard this just now as I listen'd at her door; so conceal yourself here amongst these great coats for a few minutes, and you may way-lay her as she passes(Speaking in a half whisper.)