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my old nurse used to tell me; but if you had told me it was half a dozen of dogs that made such a noise, I should scarcely have believed you. Cats too can put on what forms they please, I've been told; and tho' they generally assume that of an old woman, your's has been more civil to you, I believe, in taking the more agreeable form of a young one. I caught a glimpse of her, Amaryllis, as she fled into the other chamber.


Poh! Dolly has been putting my books in order; is she gone? (Pretending to look round for her.)


Well, well, never mind it! I came on a little business to you, else I should have been sorry to disturb you; for I know well enough you are always employed about some sublime thing or other.


You are too flattering.—You come upon business?


Yes, Amaryllis, and you are so good-natured, that I shan't make any preamble about it. I want to please a lady, or make a lady believe I am pleased with her, which is the same thing, you know; and I want to borrow one of your poems that I may present it to her as written in praise of