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SCENE II. Worshipton's chamber.

Enter Worshipton, calling as he enters.


Jenkins! Jenkins!

JENKINS (without).

Here, sir.

Enter Jenkins in his great coat and boots.


Are you ready to set off for this same license?


Yes, sir, in a moment.


Well, make good speed then: there is no time to lose. Remember all the directions and precautions I have given you: and think as thou goest along that thou art working for thyself as well as me, for thy services shall be nobly rewarded. Thou shalt have a slice out of Sir Rowland that will fatten thee up by and by into a man of some consequence. Good speed to thee, my good Jenkins! and use thy discretion in every thing.—Hast thou bespoke music for our serenade?


I have found a sorry fiddler, who has got but three strings to his violin, for the fourth is supplied