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And stir them up. Where is our trusty Gorbus?
The western is his province. Send him hither:
We must some counsel hold: meantime within
I wait his coming. Be thou speedy, Marthon.
(Exit Marthon.
Remember, friend.(To the Turk.)


Thou shalt be satisfied.


Good fortune smile upon us! (Exeunt.

SCENE II. A State Apartment in the Imperial Palace, with splendid sideboards set forth, on which are seen cups and goblets, &c. as if prepared for a grand repast, and several domestics crossing the stage, carrying different things in their hands.

Enter Heugho, followed by a Stranger and two inferior domestic Officers.

HEUGHO (after looking over every thing).

Is naught omitted here? the rubied platters

And the imperial cup—I see them not.


What boots it now, encompass'd thus with foes,

And death and ruin grinning at our side,
To set forth all this sumptuous garniture,