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Being a dame of keen and lofty passions
Tho' with fair virtues grac'd, he ever pays
His dear devotions: he will join them shortly.
But softly, here they are.

Enter Justiniani, Rodrigo, Othus, and many others of the Emperor's friends, armed as if returned from the walls.

RODRIGO (to Justiniani).

Thou'rt sternly grave; has aught in this day's fight

Befall'n, thy eager temper to disturb?


Your first directed fire should, in good right,

Have been against that Turkish standard sent,
Rear'd in their front.


And shall we seriously expend our strength

In paying worship to each Turkish rag
That waves before our walls?
But frown not on me, friend: perhaps I'm wrong.
We who are bred upon a bark's rough side,
And midst the rude contention of the waves,
Must force our steady purpose, as we may,
Right in the teeth of all opposing things,
Wrestling with breakers on the scourged rock
Or tilting it with a seal's cub, good faith!
As it may chance, naught do we know of forms.