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Ye who have to my falling fortunes clung
With gen'rous love, less to redeem their fall
Than on my waning fate by noble deeds
To shed a ray of graceful dignity:
Ye gen'rous and devoted; still with you
I thought to share all dangers: go ye now,
And to the current of this swelling tide

Set your brave breasts alone.(Waving them off with his hand, and then turning to her.)
Now, wife, where wouldst thou lead me?

VALERIA (pointing with great energy to the friends who are turning as if to go out).

There, there! O, there! thou hast no other way.

(Brushing away her tears hastily, and then assuming an air of dignity, she takes Constantine by the hand, and leading him across the stage, presents him to his friends.)

Most valiant, honoured men, receive your chief,

Worthy the graceful honours of your love,
And heaven's protecting angel go with you!

(Exeunt Constantine and his friends, paying obeisance to her as they retire, which she returns with the profoundest respect, continuing to look after them till they are out of sight; then returning to the front of the stage with a deep sigh, remains for some time with her eyes fixed on the ground.)


My dear and royal mistress, be not thus!

The people will their sov'reign lord respect.